Paul Archer - photo Paul Archer - poet, translator



A Spanish knight

A Spanish knight
rides along the road
at the foot of a mountain
singing for the love of a maiden:
look this way, fair damsel,
give me a glance, be kind to me
sweet hope of mine
for I'm dying of love -
fair maiden, I've given you my heart.

He comes across a fair maiden
sitting by a spring
all alone on the plain
with a garland of fresh flowers:
look this way, fair damsel,
give me a glance, shining star,
ah, don't be bashful,
for I'm dying of love -
fair maiden, I've given you my heart.

English translation by Paul Archer of the text of Un cavalier di Spagna by Francesco Patavino (c1478-c1556).

Un cavalier di Spagna

Un cavalier di Spagna
cavalca per la via
dal pe' d'una montagna
cantando per amor d'una fantina
voltate in qua do bella donzellina
voltate un poco a me per cortesia
dolce speranza mia
ch'io moro per (tuo) amor:
bella fantina, i' t'ho donato il cor.

Appresso a una fontana
vide sentar la bella
soletta in terra piana
co' una ghirlanda fresca d'herbecina
voltate in qua do bella donzellina
voltate un poco a me lucente stella
deh non esser rubella,
ch'io moro per (tuo) amor:
bella fantina, i' t'ho donato il cor.

Copyright notice. The translation is provided as an aid to musicians and audiences. Publication of the translation in print or digital formats is expressly forbidden unless permission from the author has been first obtained and acknowledgement of authorship is duly made. Permission will usually be granted so please contact Paul Archer with details of how you wish to make use of the translation.

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Translations of early music texts.

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